The Trick Is-Part Forty

Excerpted From Winfall’s Grand History.

The Abyss.

Where to begin? Let’s start with the parts that are untrue.

It is a realm of demons and monsters who will venture out in the dark of night to wreak havoc on the good people of the Sundered World. They lurk in the shadows and attack the unwary as they stagger home drunkenly. Others kidnap wicked children to be cooked and eaten in the depths of the Abyss. 

There is one variety, called “Chompers,” who will bite the feet off of children who fail to do their chores. (What is wrong with parents who think this is a suitable tale for their offspring?)

Of course, Aeronauts have their own stories, the souls of those who are lost in storms are trapped in the Abyss to be tormented for all time. Sirens who lure them to the depths with their enchanted songs.

I could record an entire volume comprised of these sorts of tales, each more fantastical than the last but to what end? More would surface and addendums would be needed and so on. More importantly, they are all stuff and nonsense. I know I mentioned that before but it bears repeating.

Here is what is actually known.

Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Fine, we do know that there is a roiling area of fog and or clouds at the center of the Sundered World. What lies beneath remains a mystery.

If you are unlucky enough to fall (or be pushed) off the edge of a landmass or an airship, you will plunge into the Abyss and you will assuredly, never be seen again. While we shall put no stock in wild, absurd stories, the thought of plummeting with zero hope of rescue is ghastly. It would be better to die of fright before you hit bottom if there is indeed one. The prospect of plummeting forever is worse. But there must be a center.

It can also be stated with absolute certainty that no expedition has even returned from the Abyss.

The last such attempt was by the Jarlands explorer, Gunner Strunnson. He and a crew of one dozen brave Aeronauts set forth to finally reveal the mysteries of the Abyss. While they did not return, a distress balloon was later found floating in the open skies with this message attached, scrawled on a partially burnt scrap of paper;


This of course only fueled more outlandish speculation. However, it has had the benefit, as of this writing, of discouraging further exploration of the Abyss.

Knowledge is important. Without curiosity, we would all be scraping by, merely surviving. However, the cost of some information is perhaps, too high. 

Kim, Jae, and Morbus frantically packed their gear as Fortunato stood watching.

We can leave now, but do not biologics require rest for optimal operation?” inquired the automata.

We can sleep when we’re dead!” said Jae.

Do the deceased require rest? My understanding was that would become moot at that point. Also, do you require medical attention?”

It’s a figure of speech,” said Kim, “It means we don’t have time to sleep.”

Noted and filed. It seems a grim metaphor.”

That’s about right,” said Kim.

Can you fly safely if we fall asleep?” asked Morbus.

Yes, though my flying patterns may make slumber challenging.”

What’s life without a challenge?” asked the Professor.

Peaceful, I would imagine,” replied Fortunato.

We need to get there ahead of the Thane-Captain,” said Jae.

As I indicated, Unit 797 could arrive in three days, provided it flew at its maximum velocity if they did not stop and encountered no other interference. We are within a margin of success.”

Once everyone was packed and they climbed into their harnesses, Fortunato explained, “We are approximately thirteen hours away from the location in line with the Pivot.”

What do you mean, in line?” asked Morbus.

As we have gotten closer to our destination, I have determined that it is not at the same altitude as we are currently.”

You mean it’s higher up?” asked Jae.

Maybe that’s why no one’s found it before,” said Kim.

Apologies, I was less accurate than intended. The Pivot is below our elevation.”

How far below?” asked Kim.

Eleven point right kilometers lower. Approximately.”

It’s in the Abyss!” shouted Kim.

Yes, from what I understand of that reference.”

Kim’s breathing became ragged as he shakily unlocked his harness and fell to the ground.

Sky!” said Jae as she undid her harness and leapt down next to her brother.

What’s happening?” asked Morbus.

Kim appears to be in distress. I do not know the nature of it, my knowledge of biologic mental states is far from complete.”

Kim?” called Morbus as he climbed down, “Are you all right?”

Closing his eyes tightly, Kim’s breaths became less frantic as Jae stroked his back.

Just don’t crowd him, okay?” asked Jae.

Fortunato, let’s give them some space, shall we?”

As you suggest, Professor.”

The two of them walked far away enough to give the siblings some privacy.

Why does the Abyss evoke such a strong fear response in humans?” asked Fortunato.

I mean, it’s terrifying.”

As far as I can detect, it is simply another location.”

That’s like saying the sky is a bit big.”

Can you explain the nature of its terror?”

Morbus thought about all the gruesome stories he had heard over his lifetime and perhaps the even more blood-chilling lack of any real information about the Abyss.

I think because it is unknown,” he said.

Why do biologics fear the unknown?”

Not sure I’m qualified to answer that.”

Would Kim or Jae be better suited to inform me?”

No! Well, not at the moment I think.”

They stood there for a moment, then Fortunato said, “I was unknown.”


Previous to my reactivation, I was unknown. Will I be feared?”

Morbus stared at them. 

Kim and Jae don’t, nor do I.”

You are but a minute subset of the population of biologics.”

That’s true.”

I do not wish to be a source of dread.”

No one does. Of course, there are exceptions.”

Like the Thane-Captain.”

Yes, I believe she would fall into that category. But you are nothing like her.”

This is a new sensation for me.”

What is?”

Doubt. I do not care for it. It is inefficient.”

Morbus began to laugh but quickly pushed it down.

I’m sorry, I don’t mean to make light of your existential crisis.”

Biologics use humor when they are confronted with uncomfortable topics. Apologies for making this moment socially awkward.”

You didn’t. It’s just that all humans doubt. Constantly. Did I say the right thing? Am I dressed appropriately? Should I have chosen a different profession? Did I smile too much or not enough? Why did I eat three scones for breakfast? It’s endless!” 

How do biologics accomplish even a single task with all of those debilitating thoughts?”

It’s not always easy and sometimes we can’t overcome them. However, we just usually push on and try our best.”

Is Kim suffering from doubt?” asked Fortunato.

I think it’s more about the Abyss.”

It seems as though he doubts my ability to keep all of us safe.”

No, I think it’s fear, not doubt. Fear’s not rational.”

I have many other questions on this subject.”

Don’t think we have enough time to fully delve into this. You may just have to trust what I’ve told you.”

Very well, you have proven to be worthy of trust.”

As have you,” he said as he patted the automata on the hand, “I wonder how Kim is doing?”

I will inquire,” said Fortunato as they quickly strode back to the siblings.

Kneeling in front of Kim and Jae, they asked, “Are you recovered?”

Taking a deep breath, Kim replied, “Doing better.”

That is good. Professor Morbus and I have been discussing the nature of fear and doubt and have come to the conclusion that there is more to explore than time and circumstance will allow.”

Right…” said Jae.

It appears that you have a fear associated with the Abyss, even though there is little if anything known about it.”

Kim’s eyes went wide at the utterance of ‘Abyss.”

Careful,” warned Jae.

May I ask, do remember my oath to protect you both?”

Yes,” said Kim and Jae. 

Can you put any doubt and fear aside, and trust me to keep you safe?”

The siblings looked at each other and nodded.

I understand that where we must go is unexplored, but it is also where the Pivot is located. If there is any real danger, we will retreat immediately. Unless you wish to remain behind?”

We need to stick together,” he said, “I’ll go.”

Oh thank the Sky!” said Morbus who had just arrived.

If you have any biological imperatives, please process them before we leave,” advised Fortunato.

With the tension broken, everyone did so. Jae and Morbus finished first and he pulled her aside.

I don’t wish to pry, but why is Kim so terrified by the Abyss? It’s not a place I’d have chosen to visit, but it seems almost personal for him?”

Her face got stern, then softened.

We lost our parents to the Abyss. I wasn’t there but Kim was,” she said in a whisper.

I’m so sor-”

He can’t know I told you. Understand?” 

Yes, of course.”

Are your functions completed?” asked Fortunato.

Kim rejoined them and then they all were ready. After strapping in, they shot into the sky. The journey was long and uncomfortable. Fortunato flew at his maximum velocity, which made things especially cold, even with him heating his exterior for comfort. Eventually, they all fell asleep, though none of them would say it was their most restful slumber.

The humans awoke as they landed on an extremely small island, just large enough for the four of them. After a quick break for food and other essentials, they strapped in again.

Is everyone ready?” asked Fortunato.

They all said yes.

Very well,” Fortunato said as they stepped off the edge and plunged straight into the Abyss.

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