The Trick Is -Part Forty-Five

Once Morbus had his Authority Bracer, the Red Gold guards released him. After they did so, their eyes dimmed and they became unresponsive. Fortunato led the others through the corridors.

Are they broken?” asked Kim.

They are suffering from a logical paradox,” explained Fortunato, “Once their protocols are reloaded, they will function again.”

Jae stopped walking, turned around and asked, “Did we just destroy who they were?”

In a certain sense, yes,” replied Fortunato.

Doesn’t that bother you?”

Everyone stopped.

It would have been preferable if Professor Morbus had not been detained. However, if those units are not reset, they would cease to function.”

Are you saying they’d die?”

They pondered this for a moment and said, “Yes, though units are not alive in the same sense as biologics are.”

Do you mean mechanically?” asked Kim.

That is correct.”

You’re alive, just like any of us!” insisted Jae.

I am not. With proper maintenance and barring any accident, my existence is theoretically infinite.”

So you’re essentially immortal?” asked Morbus.

Fortunato paused briefly then said, “Unless I am damaged beyond repair, yes. I have located a suite of chambers so you may rest.”

Don’t you want to talk about this?” asked Jae.

No, not at this time. Please follow me.”

Fortunato said nothing after that till they reached the suite. Smaller, cube shaped automata just completed cleaning it as they arrived. It was a well appointed room with couches and tables. There were three doors leading to private bedrooms, each with their own bath.

It would be optimal if you were to rest. I will return when my tasks are complete,” said Fortunato.

You should stay here with us,” said Kim.

There is no peril to you here, so have no concerns. Please take this time for repose or slumber.”

And with that, Fortunato left.

I think they’re upset,” said Kim.

Let’s go after them,said Jae as she got up and headed towards the door.

I’m not sure we should,” said Morbus.


Do you remember when Fortunato mentioned that he and I had a discussion about fear and doubt?”

Yeah, I didn’t think too much about that then,” admitted Kim.

While our friend is smart, brilliant I dare say, I don’t think they have ever had to wrestle with existential questions.”

That’s why we need to tell them…” Jae trailed off.

Tell them what?”

That we’re here for them! That we’re not going anywhere!”

But we are,” said Morbus.

What do you mean?”

Unless something overwhelming happens to him, Fortunato can’t die. Humans like us, well, we’re only here for a short time, relatively speaking. I think that has shook them.”

We need to say something.”

I think perhaps, they just need some time to sort this out.”

Jae stopped, turned, and slowly walked back. Sitting next to her brother, leaning her head on his shoulder. No one said anything for a while.

I’ve been thinking about something,” said Kim.

What?” asked Jae who sat up.

It’s about what Fortunato said, about how Mechano-Men would get their memories erased.”

Do you think that’s happening now!”

No! But I have a theory about why they did it and it wasn’t to remove bad memories.”

Morbus looked at him with wide eyes and said, “To prevent self awareness.”

What do you mean?” asked Jae.

If you made Mechano-Men to work for you, build and fix stuff. You wouldn’t want them to just decide they don’t want to follow orders anymore.”

So they periodically reset then to how they were, removing any behavior that might interfere with the Prime’s agenda.”

That’s horrible!” cried Jae, “The Prime weren’t like that?”

That’s the thing, we don’t really know, do we?” posited Morbus, “After all their written records could only be partially translated. And it’s not as if they’d write down, ‘Here’s this ethically questionable thing we do all the time.’

They could do wonderous things, that doesn’t make them wonderful people.”

So we’re going to to turn out terrible?”

Why would you say that?” asked Morbus.

Because we’re the Prime!” shouted Jae.

What?” sputtered the Professor.

Fortunato told us,” said Kim, “It was before we met you. Humans are what are left of the Prime.”

Oh! There was a theory that was floating about that but without any proof it was largely discounted.”

Well, now you know, we’re all monsters!”

Jae, look at me,” said Kim.


You know you’re not a monster, right?”

Not now, but someday.”

Jae, I rather doubt you’ll become any sort of villain,” said Morbus.

How do you know? People like us did awful things.”

Okay, the Prime weren’t perefect.”


But think about all the folk who helped us out, like the Professor here, all those people on the Leviathan, and Auntie Joon.”

Auntie Joon has to help us, she’s family.”

If I might interject. If I had showed up at any of my relations doorstep with a Mechano-Man in tow, my family would’ve turned me so fast the I wouldn’t have time to doff my hat. Blood doesn’t always win out.”

What about the Thane-Captain? She has a Mechano-Man now.”
“We don’t know that for sure,” said Kim.

Jae gave him a look that strongly implied that he was stupid.

Fine! She probably has one.”

She could’ve taken over the world by now!”

What do you want to do?” he asked his sister.

I don’t know? Stop her?”

There’s nothing we can do right now. But we got to the Pivot. If we can make sure Fortunato can’t get reset, we can do it for the rest of the Mechano-Men.”

I’d say that could open a bumbershoot in the gears!” said Morbus.

Do you think that would work?”

Let’s find out.”


I’m delighted to have reached an accord,” said Morbus, “But I confess, I am quite knackered after recent events. If you two will excuse me, I’m retiring for the evening.”

The siblings said good night and Morbus went to his room. Kim and Jae talked for a little bit longer. They found themselves just going over the same points over and over and finally decided to turn in. The fact that it was the first time in a while that they could sleep in proper beds aided all three in falling asleep quickly and deeply.

When they awoke the next morning, they came out to a hearty breakfast provided by Serving Units. It wasn’t quite as good as the meals they had at the Fixit-Place but it was hot and there was a lot of it. As they were finishing, Fortunato returned.

Are you all well rested?” they asked.


Very much!”

How are you?”

I have suffered no injuries since our parting.”

That’s not what I meant,” said Jae, “If you want to talk to us about something, anything, you can. You should.”

Your concern is appreciated but unnecessary. I am currently operating at optimal efficiency.”

What were you up to whilst we slept?” asked Morbus, changing the subject.

They moved smoothly and crouched next to the table.

I have spent my time gathering information.”

Kim, Jae, and Morbus all looked at Fortunato.

Would you like me to share that with you?”

Yes!” cried everyone.

Very well. I have discovered that the Pivot suffered extensive damage at the time of the world’s breaking. Since any biologics stationed here at the time dis not survive, the Units had no one to direct them, so the entered an inactive state.”

But they are quite active now?”

Correct Professor. Approximately three days ago, a command signal was sent to the Pivot. Units were reactivated and repairs began.”

Who sent that command signal?” asked Kim with an unpleasant feeling in his stomach.

I could not discover a name, However, the signal’s origin point is the same outpost where we met.”

Thane-Captain Corbyn!”

The probability is high, roughly ninety eight point seventy three hundredths.”

Is that what you call rough?” asked Morbus.

There are multiple variables that are unknown to me. I apologize for the inaccurate estimation.”

How could she order anything?” asked Kim.

If she has a Unit then she has obtained an Authority Bracer. That would allow her to send orders through the network.”

Throwing up his arm with the Bracer, Kim said, “Lets just order them to ignore her orders.”

The system is not operating at full efficiency, there is a substantial probability that a counter order will not be accepted as well a fifty percent chance that will cause the Pivot to deactivate or destruct.”

I can’t say that I like those odds,” said Morbus.

Me either,” added Kim.

That is wise,” said Fortunato.

Can we make sure you stay you?” asked Jae.

That is more easily accomplished.”


Though there is still some risk attached,” added Fortunato.

Why did you say that second?” asked Jae.

Risk is present in all things. The level of course, varies.”

Could you perhaps explain what the danger is?”

As I told you earlier, the Pivot is compromised, there is a chance that it might fail. There is a smaller chance that my memories will be removed.”

Can you tell us the odds?”

Fortunato paused and replied, “I cannot. There are too many factors.”

So we came here for nothing?!” said Jae.

There is also a chance it may be successful.”

Why not just tell us it can’t be done?” asked Kim.

If you recall, I cannot lie to you.”

No one said anything for a moment.

We can’t risk it,” said Jae.

Yeah, I think you’re right,” said Kim.

May I ask you all a question?” enquired Fortunato.


You seem intent on me having agency, which is appreciated. We have traveled a great distance and encountered much peril to do so. So why have you not asked me if I wish to take the risk involved with gaining my autonomy?”

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The Trick Is-Part Forty-Four

Excerpted From The First Draft Of Winfall’s Grand History.

War in this day and age is considered relatively uncommon. That is, however, not entirely accurate. Major war is uncommon. The great city-states have been at peace for approximately two hundred years, as of this writing. There are always conflicts between the minor city-states, and as long they don’t spill over into more populated airspace, others don’t get involved.

Even though this might seem inhumane, remember while the range of aether-radio is far, it is not infinite and even if some other city-state wished to get involved, they would very likely arrive too late. The scholar Duntash Ovaniwitz once wrote, “Humans will find chaos amid tranquility.” Grim perhaps, but not untrue.

So why has there not been a major war for so long? Simply this. Resources. The world we all live in has limited assets. The cost of waging war is higher than what would be gained in any conquest. If one were of an optimistic mindset, it might seem that the foolishness of war has finally sunk into the collective consciousness of humanity.

Regrettably, that is not true.

As populations rise and resources diminish, war is inevitable. There simply isn’t enough to go around. Hunger leads to resentment which will lead to violence. Rather than have their own citizens rise up against them, governments will point to other city-states as scapegoats.

There is already great inequality of wealth, so rather than readdress that, it will be war. People filled with hatred of those they think are robbing them will happily fight. Sadly, there will be no shortage of volunteers, people being the one resource that there is an overabundance of.

What will the Sundered World look like after this last, great, terrible war? It is hard to say but whatever happens, all will be diminished.

(EDITOR’S NOTE: Windfall, have you gone MAD? There is absolutely zero chance of this being printed! Are you trying to get us both hung? This is supposed to be a history, not wild, anarchic speculation. If anyone wants to be told that they are doomed, they will go to church like a normal person! Please write up something about the history of art or unique foods of the largest city-states. Anything other than this ghastly diatribe!)

Thane-Captain Corbyn stared at the crystalline display in the middle of the control room in the Blue Tower. The local geography was displayed in intricate detail along with all the airships at her command.

Zoom out to one hundred kilometers,” she ordered.

The tower shrunk and the local islands were all tiny points of light spread about the crystalline sky. In the far western portion, was a fleet of airships.

Zoom on to those airships.”

It was a large fleet, more of an armada really. Now that she could see details, they were flying the pennants of the Jarlands, Hexagonal Prefecture, New Republic of Utajiri, and the Free Provinces.

Primus, where are they heading?”

They are on course for the center of Bastion airspace, though their course will bring them past three outer colonies and two inner ones.”

What is your analysis?”

Given the size of their fleet, it will allow them to take key positions which will give them several bases of operation and access to important assets. A solid strategy.”

I agree.”

Do you wish me to intervene?” asked the automata.

Corbyn paused for a moment, then said, “No.”

May I make a query?”

Ask away.”

You are from the Bastion and yet you seem to be in a state of conflict with your homeland. I find this confusing.”

What we are doing is more important. We cannot allow ourselves to be distracted.”

This is true, but I can, with no risk to myself, neutralize that fleet, within thirty minutes. The Bastion will suffer no casualties.”

Do not question my orders,” snapped Corbyn.

I only wish to understand your intent. When the Fourth Scion’s fleet arrived, I did not take a single life, as per your orders. If no action is taken, there will be many casualties of your countrymen. Why avoid death in one circumstance and allow it in another?” asked Primus.

Taking a deep breath, she said, “Do you understand the concept of sacrifice?”

To give up something of value so another thing of greater importance may be achieved or saved.”

Exactly. By letting this battle take place, we will not have any further delays, and are free to complete our great work.”

Your reasoning is coherent.”

She smiled and replied, “I’m glad you understand. Let’s get back to work.”

What is the relative value of life?”

Corbyn regarded Primus with a curious look.

That’s an odd question.”

Perhaps. However, it would be helpful if you could tell me.”

Why are you asking this?”

I have found that the relative value of human life seems to fluctuate. This is confusing to me.”

There is no need for confusion. If you obey my orders, you will know when it is necessary.”

Yes, but what if you are not present in the moment? How should I then proceed?”

Are you planning on leaving me?”

No. I will aid you in any way you need. However, if we should find ourselves separated, what course of action should I take?”

You will follow the last orders I gave you. Understood?”

I see.”

Let’s consider this matter settled. Did you locate the target?”

Yes. I am ready to leave at your pleasure.”

Excellent! No time like the present.”

Does that mean you wish to leave now?”

It does.”

I will add that idiom to my records.”

They descended via the wheel of light and exited the tower. Newly promoted Lieutenant Howllitt was waiting for them.

Thane-Captain, our scouts have detected an armada to the west. Orders?”

Nothing to worry us Lieutenant, we’re not their target.”

Understood. The Duchess-Admiral wished to speak to you before you depart.”

Thank you, I’ll see her now.”

Corbyn entered her mother’s tent while Primus waited outside.

Darling, would you like some coffee? I have a fresh pot.”

Thank you, Mother.”

As she poured a cup, the Duchess-Admiral said, “The stew’s been stirred.”

The armada?” replied Corbyn as she took the coffee.

A lot of people will die.”

And more will die before this is all over but when it’s over, everything will be better.”

The price of victory is blood,” said the Duchess-Admiral.

Corbyn raised her cup and drank.

I should be back within a day. Please hold down the fort whilst I’m away.”

It’s time for some drills. An idle Peace-Keeper will invariably find trouble.”

Very true,” said Corbyn as she finished her coffee, “Is my case here?”

Quartermaster delivered it a half hour ago.”


Corbyn put on a heavy leather jacket, thick wool scarf, and aeronaut’s helmet, slung the case, and a satchel of water and food over her shoulders.

See you soon Mother.”

Good hunting darling,” her mother replied.

Once secured into the harness on Primus, they took off. Corbyn had not shared this with anyone, but when she was flying with Primus, it was the closest she felt to being at peace. No decisions to make. No plans to calculate. Just soaring through the sky. She had spent almost all of her adult life on an airship but this was different.

It was a good thing she enjoyed it so much because the journey took about twelve hours, stopping periodically on small islands to stretch her legs and have a short meal. Eventually, she was able to even sleep for a bit.

Thane-Captain, we are approaching our destination,” said Primus, awakening Corbyn.

Good, bring us down on that outcropping.”

They landed on a smallish island, about three hundred meters across. The whole place was covered in thick, dead vines. Too rocky and uneven for any practical use, this was a place anyone would pass by.

Primus removed the covering of dead vegetation with ease and they entered the passageway behind it, carved out of blue stone with silver glyphs lighting up as they passed. At the end, there was a door. Corbyn placed her hand on the center and with the expected sound, the door unfolded.

The chamber behind it was high ceilinged, the walls comprised of a series of darkened arches. The floor had thirteen sides. A podium with a console atop it unfurled from the center. Corbyn strode to it and tapped a sequence into the controls. A plinth opened up right next to the podium with seven Authority Bracers inside.

As she carefully placed the Bracers in the case, Corbyn said to Primus, “Next step.”

Primus stepped to the console and placed his hand on it as tendrils linked to it. After about an hour, Primus stepped back and said, “Done, Thane-Captain.”

Thank you, Primus.”

She closed the notebook she had been pouring over while she waited, placed it in her pocket, and moved back to the console. She pressed the largest button and a silver light in a geometric design spread out from the podium across the floors and up the walls. In each darkened archway, two blue lights appeared, and Mechano-Men emerged from each. They then surrounded her in concentric circles as they knelt in obeisance.

Rise up, time to fix the world.”

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The Tricks Is-Part Forty-Three

Kim and Jae did everything they could to wake Fortunato. Loud pleas, banging on their armor, or waving right in front of them had no effect. The siblings debated pulling or cutting the tendrils out of Fortunato’s hand but they worried it might hurt their friend so all they could do was wait.

After an hour, perhaps the longest of their lives, Fortunato awakened.

Morbus was taken!”

They flew up towards the middle of this place!”

We showed our bracers-”

But it didn’t make them stop!”

Fortunato held up a hand and said, “I am aware of these facts. While passing my knowledge of your language and other information, I was informed. Professor Morbus is unharmed but is currently being held by the security system.”

Let’s go and get him!” said Jae.

That may prove more challenging.”

Why?” asked Kim.

There are two reasons. One, because the professor lacked an authority bracer, and was not within six meters of either of you for three minutes, he was deemed an intruder. The second is that the system that operates the Pivot is running at a higher alert level.”

So it’s our fault?” asked Jae.

There was no way for you to predict these events, so blaming yourself is a non-productive avenue.”

Why is the Pivot on high alert?”

That is unclear. It requires investigation.”

We need to free the professor.”


Can you fly us up there?” asked Jae as she pointed upwards.

That will not be necessary,” replied Fortunato as he moved to the panel with the black tablet.

With a quick sequence of taps, the platform rapidly ascended towards the center of the Pivot. For Kim and Jae, it felt as though they were falling and flying at the same time. They grabbed onto either side of Fortunato.

You both may hold onto me if it gives you comfort, but you are in no danger.”

This is so weird!” shouted Kim.

If you look upwards, it may lessen your discomfort.”

Even though this sensation was unnerving, being a Leaper meant adapting to strange new experiences and embracing them. Looking around at all the inexplicable activity about them, they began to enjoy the ride. All the same, they didn’t move towards the edge of the platform. Just as they were really relishing the thrill, they arrived at their destination.

With the page flapping sound, the octagonal structure above them opened up and they were inside. Fortunato led them along a path through corridors and rooms with fantastical machinery till they arrived at a doorway guarded by two of the red-gold Mechano-Men that had taken Morbus.

HALT!” the guards declared.

“Open this door up right now!” Jae ordered.


Pulling down her sleeve to show her Authority Bracer, she shouted back, “DO YOU SEE THIS?”

The guards stood silently for about five seconds, then bellowed, “PROCEED!”

As the door unfolded, they could see that the cell was small but clean and sparse. The walls and floor were made of blue stone but no silvery glyphs ran across them. As they entered, Morbus leapt up from the edge of the bed where he had been sitting.

Thank the Sky, I thought I was done for!”

Did they hurt you?” asked Jae.

No, but they took my pack. And all my books!”

Don’t worry, we’ll get you out of here!” said Jae confidently.

That may be more difficult than anticipated,” stated Fortunato.

You can’t say stuff like that!” said Jae.

Is this a situation where one needs to bend the truth so as to not worry another?”

Yeah,” said Kim.

Turning to Morbus, Fortunato said, “There is no cause for worry. You are in no way in peril and your continued existence is assured.”

Oh no…” murmured Morbus as he put his head in his hands.

Shall I make a second attempt?”

No, no. Why is this more difficult?” asked Kim.

Something is happening.”

We know,” said Jae, “you told us, high alert.”

However, three days before we arrived, the Pivot was already at a high state of activity.”

But everything was shut off,” Kim pointed out.

That is inaccurate. There was no illumination. That was done for your benefit. Units do not require the visible spectrum of light to operate.”

So what are they all doing?”

That was not shared with me. But it is diverting a substantial amount of resources to whatever it is.”

How can you tell?”

When Jae demanded entrance to this cell, it took approximately five point seven eight three seconds to reply.”

Is that unusual?” asked Morbus.

It is the equivalent of any of you taking a half hour before replying to a simple query.”

How peculiar!”

Very peculiar.”

Jae smiled and said, “Fortunato, would you say everyone here is distracted?”

That is not inaccurate.”

Maybe we can use that to spring the Professor,” suggested Jae.

This notion has merit.”

Wait!,” said Morbus, “I don’t wish to be imprisoned, but will this interfere with Fortunato’s chance of protecting his autonomy? What about the other Mechano-Men? I can wait till that is sorted. Besides, having allies would surely be of help.”

You are scheduled for execution tomorrow,” revealed Fortunato.

I think Jae’s idea is a capital one!” said Morbus, “They’ll never see it coming!”

Can we just get him an Authority Bracer?” asked Kim.

Were circumstances less dire, he might been offered one upon entering, but as I indicated-”

High alert, right.”

Could we just distract the guards?” asked Jae, “Or order them away?”

Even with their slowed reaction time, they would easily intercept the Professor and us. They will not leave their posts, even for someone bearing an Authority Bracer.”

There wouldn’t happen to be any just laying about,” asked Morbus.

They are built when necessary. There are no repositories of them.”

An awkward silence followed this news.

Where are the people who worked here?” suddenly asked Kim.

Given the passage of time, it would be logical to presume that they either left or are deceased,” replied Fortunato.

If there are any bodies still here, wouldn’t they have Bracers?”

Your reasoning is sound.”

Can you find one?”

Please wait here,” said Fortunato, who exited the cell.

Very clever!” said Morbus.

Thanks, Professor!” said Kim.

Not bad!” said Jae.

Fortunato returned.

There is a signal from an intact Bracer. It is currently in a sector which had sustained damage and Units such as myself are in the process of repair.”

Might you ask them to bring the Bracer to us?”

I might, but they will not do so. Someone must go there to retrieve it. Additionally, if discovered by a repair unit, it will be broken down for use in their current assignment.”

There was a pause, the Jae yelled, “Let’s go!”

As they ran out, Kim shouted, “Be right back!”

The door folder shut and Morbus whispered, “Please do.”

Fortunato picked up the siblings and ran down the corridor till they came to another platform. With a rapid tapping of controls, they descended to another structure. After several more platform trips, they arrived at a quadrilateral and they ran along passages to the top, or at least that’s what it felt like. Up and down at the Pivot seemed a flexible concept. Getting on one more platform, they rose towards what looked like the center of the whole thing. However, the platform stopped.

What’s wrong?” asked Jae.

The connecting structure is in disrepair.”

Nothing’s here,” said Kim.

Yes. Its disrepair is of the greatest magnitude. Hold on, we will need to fly the rest of the distance.”

With that, they rocketed toward their destination. There was much swooping and evasion due to the multitudes of other Mechano-Men and those mysterious geometric shapes that zoomed about but they finally landed on the jagged edge of a partially destroyed triskaidecagon (Fortunato told them, it was not obvious).

Inside was an army of automata identical to their friend. They moved gracefully about the cavernous room, repairing all sorts of fascinating and mysterious machinery.

What does all this do?” asked Kim.

I do not know, there are approximately six hundred and seventy-three separate components. Their unified purpose is unclear.”

That’s a lot of stuff.”

A simplified but accurate description.”

Where’s the bracer?” asked Jae.

Please follow me.”

Fortunato guided them through the chamber, avoiding disturbing the work, until they reached a large, battered metal panel.

Under here,” they said picking it up.

Underneath was a blackened skeleton. On its forearm, a discolored Bracer. It was melted and misshapen, it’s gem dark.

What!” sputtered Jae, “You said there was a working Bracer! This is garbage!”

I understand your urgency, but I was not done,” said Fortunato, who gently took the sheet of metal the skeleton was fused to and laid it to the side. Under that, was another body, desiccated and crushed but the Bracer it wore was intact.

Taking it with some care, Jae said, “Sorry, I’m acting like a jerk.”

While that might be true, it suggests that you can choose not to act in a jerk-like manner, which I have witnessed many times. Do you require a full list of such occasions?”

Kim and Jae laughed.

Perhaps later, I think return is advisable,” stated Fortunato.

I think you’re right,” said Kim.

They flew off, feeling relief that Morbus was about to be safe. Behind them, the Mechano-Men continued to repair the mysterious device, unconcerned with what it was or what it might do.

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The Trick Is-Part Forty-Two

At first, they could see nothing but a dark, grey murk. Then, what felt like a relentless sandstorm. Not sand, but an ultra-fine grit accompanied by a howling wind. Kim and Jae pulled up their goggles (standard gear for a Leaper), and Morbus donned his spectacles.

While those kept the grit out of their eyes, what they could see continued to be, at best, blurred. Fortunato seemed unaffected as they began to fly in what seemed like a random path. After several very abrupt course changes, they finally settled on a steady course, leading deeper and deeper into the Abyss.

Suddenly, something caught Kim’s eye. Seven red lights ahead of them arraigned in a heptagonal pattern. He tried to shout to ask Fortunato what the lights were but his question was lost in the roar of the wind. As they got closer, the lights turned from red to blue.

As they descended into the murk, this pattern repeated itself over and over. It felt like flying through a tunnel without walls, as strange as that sounds. Finally, after what seemed way too long a time, Fortunato stopped and hovered.

Suddenly, a bright silver light exploded in front of them, blinding Kim, Jae, and Morbus. The faint sound of flipping pages could be heard and they flew forward. Just as abruptly, the bright light disappeared and they found themselves standing in a large chamber.

On the walls, an arrangement of green lights rose underneath them, and then all the grit that had coated their clothing, skin, and hair was drawn away.

That tickled,” said Kim as he quivered.

I think my spectacles are scratched beyond repair,” said Morbus sadly as he examined them.

Allow me, Professor,” said Fortunato as tiny tendrils emerged from his fingertip, and ran along the damaged lenses. Within five seconds, the spectacles were as good as new.

Remarkable!” said Morbus as he put them on, “You could make a fortune just doing this”

I have no need for or interest in material wealth.”

That’s rather noble of you.”

My reasons are practical, but from your tone of voice, I estimate that statement to be praise. Thank you.”

Right! Well, you are welcome.”

Is this the Pivot?” asked Kim.

I thought it would be more…,” Jae trailed off.

Yeah, I know what you mean,” agreed Kim.

Indeed, I’m not sure what I expected but I must admit, it was not this,” added Morbus.

Please congregate in this chamber’s center,” requested Fortunato.

They did so and a wheel of light appeared beneath their feet and they rose towards the ceiling. The sound of flapping pages could be heard and they all passed into darkness.

I don’t mean to be an alarmist, but can you tell us what’s going on?” asked the professor.

You wished to be impressed, did you not?” asked Fortunato as they continued to ascend.

Yeah,” said Kim

I hope we don’t seem ungrateful. You have shown us quite a lot of amazing things,” added Morbus.

I’m sorry, we’re sorry. I don’t want to hurt your feelings,” said Jae.

They stopped and the wheel of light dimmed, leaving them in complete darkness, save the glow of Fortunato’s eyes. A burst of music could be heard, then it faded into silence. A cold wind blew and each of them shivered.

Far above them, a light shone out. It was then followed by another, then another, and as if someone was pouring light from an enormous pitcher they could now see everything.

They were standing on a platform at the bottom of a valley. Wait, no. Not a valley, looking about it became clear that were on the inside of a titanic sphere, but for reasons unknown, were not falling toward the center.

Equally astounding were the structures, a latticework of geometric shapes connected by columns, all leading to a center shape, larger than the others. Each was made from the characteristic Prime blue stone, with silver glyphs adorning them. Unlike the ruins they had encountered before, these structures were unweathered. If they were told these were newly constructed, it would seem completely believable.

Does this meet your expectations of being impressive?” asked Fortunato.

SKY YES!” cried the siblings.

I’m gobsmacked,” said Morbus, “Utterly and irrevocably gobsmacked!”

Do you require medical attention?”

No, it just means I am quite, quite, QUITE impressed.”

Then I have succeeded.”

Looking up at the automata, Jae asked, “Is this the way things work here, all super dramatic?”

No. But in my interaction with biologics, I have noted that you seem to enjoy spectacle. Is that not correct?”

Oh yeah,” said Kim, “You could do shows.”

I will ruminate upon this.”

Then came the questions.

Where do we go first?”

Why are we not falling towards the center?”

Did you turn on the lights?”

Are there more Mechano-Men here?”

Is there any food here?”

This is a vast structure, in what manner is it organized?”

How hard will it be to make sure no one will erase your memories?”

Can it be done for everyone?”

Is there some sort of master intelligence?”

Fortunato held up a hand and said, “It is natural that you have many questions. However, in the interest of efficacy, I will need to pass my knowledge of your language to the Pivot’s systems.”

How long will that take?” asked Kim.

Considerably less time than than it would to teach all of you their language.”

Okay, but how long?” asked Jae, who clearly wanted a more concrete answer.

Approximately one hour, though I do not know the state of the Pivot’s functionality.”

Do you think it’s in disrepair?” asked Morbus.

Fortunato did not understand the propensity of biologics to ask questions that clearly could not be answered yet.

As I have previously indicated, I have no data to prove or disprove that supposition. If you will allow me time, I will discover the answer.”

The rest seemed to desire to launch into another round of unanswerable questions but pushed that impulse down.

Of course, we’ll give all the time necessary,” said Morbus, “Right?”

Kim and Jae agreed.

While I am connected, I will be unable to move or communicate with you. Please resist the impulse to explore beyond the confines of this platform. It may put you in grave danger.”

What’s out there?” asked Kim as he looked about.

As I said, I do not know. However, this is the center of Prime power, and it is, or was, defended vigorously. I advise patience and caution in equal measures.”

We’ll be waiting for you,” said Jae.

Right here.”


Thank you,” Fortunato replied and then moved to the center of the platform, where a pentagonal panel unfolded from the floor. They placed their left hand on it, and tendrils sprouted from the panel and attached themselves to them. Fortunato’s eyes dimmed to a faint glow and they stood perfectly still.

Kim, Jae, and Morbus stood and watched Fortunato for a while but he remained immobile.

Look up!” said Jae.

Far above them, something was flying across the sky. Well, it wasn’t exactly the sky, but it was up. Kim took out his spyglass and saw wasn’t an airship. It looked like a cone, though if moved without any external engines or propellers. It zoomed towards one of the connecting columns and then merged with it.

They shared the spyglass and saw all sorts of amazing sights. Silver glyphs began to slide over the polished blue stone. Jae and Morbus took turns trying to copy them down but they moved too fast. Even the buildings shifted and rearranged themselves, moving smoothly into new configurations, the signature sound of pages flapping echoing in the distance.

I really wish I had my camera,” said Morbus, “So many things to document!”

We could spend years here and still barely scratch the surface!” agreed Jae.

Is this how they lived? Day to day?” wondered Kim.


It seems outrageous.”

Beyond anything I could’ve supposed!”

Looking over at Fortunato, Morbus said, “I wonder how it’s going for him?”

No one’s attacked us, so that’s good,” said Jae.

Suddenly, a panel unfolded at the edge of the platform. They all jumped and when nothing terrible followed, all of them laughed.

That was only mildly terrifying,” said Morbus.

Maybe that means Fortunato’s doing okay,” said Kim.

Let’s take a look,” said Jae who was already on her feet and moving to the new panel.

Kim and Morbus followed. It was canted on an angle and had seven silver controls along the left side with a black area about the size of a book on the right.

It looks a little like that machine we saw back at the Blue Tower,” said Kim.

Except no glyphs on the black tablet,” said Jae.

You’ve seen this device before?!” excitably whispered Morbus.

Why are you whispering?” asked Jae.

I’m not entirely sure. It just seemed like a whisper situation,”

I think we can speak normally,” said Kim in a conversational volume.

Yes, yes. Of course. So you’ve seen this device before?”

Something like it,” replied Kim.

Marvelous! What does it do?”

We don’t know. Exactly…” said Jae.

Not even a little?”

We didn’t have a lot of time to examine it,” said Jae indignantly, “With the Thane-Captain barging in-”

Not a slight on you or your brother. I just want to know as much as I can,” said Morbus.

Yeah, I get that,” admitted Jae.

Morbus was leaning in closely to the panel.

Professor!” shouted Kim.

Morbus lurched back.

Sorry, I don’t think we should touch anything until Fortunato tells us we can.”

Gulping for air, he said, “Yes, of course. A wise course of action or in this case, inaction. I shall be careful.”

Taking a magnifying glass out of his satchel, Morbus continued to examine the panel. Kim and Jae looked over his shoulder but soon they found their attention was diverted by all the other wonders about them. The siblings wandered over to the far side of the platform to watch a series of geometric shapes that were whirling above another platform in an orderly pattern that would burst outwards and then resemble.

Just then, a loud siren echoed about the Pivot, and from the neighboring platform two Mechano-Men rose and leapt to where Morbus was standing. They were similar to Fortunato but their metal bodies were a shiny red gold color. They emitted a short burst of music though one word could be heard. “INTRUDER.”

No! He’s not an intruder! He’s with us!” shouted Kim as ran over and pulled down his sleeve to reveal his Authority Bracer.

Jae did the same and yelled, “You stop right now!”

This did have a result, the new Mechano-Men then put themselves in between Kim, Jae, and Morbus.

But I didn’t touch anything!” cried the professor.

With graceful precision, they each grabbed one of his arms and soared off into the maze of structures, vanishing from sight.

Wake up! They took Morbus!”

Kim and Jae turned to Fortunato but the automata was still and silent.

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The Trick Is-Part Forty-One

“The First, Third, and Seventh Bastion Fleets have approached the island,” reported Warrant Officer Howllitt.

It was an impressive show of force, which Thane-Captain Corbyn assumed was the point.

It’s almost time, Thane-Captain,” said Howllitt.

I’ve been summoned.”

By order of the Imperator.”

She’s not actually here?” asked the Thane-Captain as she fussed with her tunic.

Very unlikely, they are flying the pennant of the Fourth Scion.”

Giving him a big public task they don’t think he’ll muck up.”

They appear to be lacking several key pieces of intelligence, Thane-Captain,” remarked Howllitt as she handed her sword.

Corbyn attached the sword to her belt, turned to her mother who was sitting across the tent, sipping a mug of coffee, and asked, “How do I look?”

Your wind cluster is a bit crooked, you should fix that, otherwise it will ruin the intimidating vibe I assume you’re aiming for.”

Adjusting the medal, she gave the Duchess-Admiral a look.

Yes darling, much better.”

Howllitt, have the ground crew get the one-person airship ready for departure.”

Yes, Thane-Captain. Is there any chance you might reconsider allowing guards to accompany you?”

The Imperial missive was very clear that I was to present myself alone. It’s just theater.”

Of course it’s theater!” said her mother, “They should sell tickets.”

With that, Howllitte saluted and then left the tent to make sure the airship was ready to take off.

We’re very spicy today.”

It’s a rather spicy day, don’t you think?”

It doesn’t have to be.”

If everyone listens to you.”


What are the odds of that happening?”

We’ll see, won’t we.”

Donning her half-cape, the Thane-Captain began to leave but stopped and looked back at her mother.

Aren’t you going to tell me to be careful?”

The Duchess-Admiral stood, walked over to her, smiled, and said, “Darling, we have both sailed way beyond careful. Be victorious.”

Flicking an invisible speck of dust off her daughter’s shoulder, she nodded and they both saluted each other. It was time to go.

As she flew through the armada, even Corbyn had to admit, this was an impressive sight. Three full fleets hovering in sharp formation on a cloudless day. All the fixtures and armaments were polished to a near-blinding sheen and bright pennants snapped in the wind.

Docking with the B.A.S. (Bastion Air-Ship) Indomitable, Corbyn was met by a Lieutenant and four Peace-Keepers.

Permission to board?” she asked.

Granted. Allow us to escort you, Thane-Captain,” stated the Lieutenant who saluted crisply.

By all means,” she replied, returning the salute.

They moved through the airship, arriving at a gangplank leading outside once more. Across was a large platform, easily one hundred meters square. This was not a utilitarian thing, cobbled together with scraps of wood and metal. It was inlaid with elaborate tile-work that displayed the crest of the Bastion Imperial family, a purple, three-headed falcon on a field of gold.

At the edges of this, very ostentatious, and impracticable, display of wealth and power, stood the Talon Guard. Fanatical Peace-Keepers sworn to protect the Imperial family. Each wore a gleaming steel breastplate, emblazoned with a three-head falcon. They were some of the finest fighters in the Bastion, each one of them eyeing her like she was a savage animal that had wandered in from the wild.

In the center was a throne. Not the High-Imperial throne, that was back at the Keep Paramount. This was a lesser one, as befitting the Forth Scion who sat upon it. A group of advisors and councilors milled about at the base.

Corbyn knew very little of the Fourth Scion, outside of court circles, very few people did. He made public appearances for matters of state or ceremony, but little else. It was unclear as to why. There were rumors, there were always rumors, but they were inconsistent and contradictory, making any assumed insight useless.

A herald proclaimed, “Presenting Thane-Captain Marah Bellona of House Corbyn, commander of the Bastion Air-Ship, Venator!”

Her mother was right, they should’ve sold tickets to this. Corbyn strode along the plush, purple carpet, and knelt. It wasn’t yet time to go off script.

Arise, Thane-Captain,” said the Fourth Scion.

As she stood, she gazed at this prince. He was blandly handsome, Dressed in a purple Peace-Keeper uniform, adorned with medals and other badges of noble orders. She had to admit, that he seemed unintimidated by the circumstances surrounding him. He was likely trained from birth for these sorts of things.

You honor me, your highness.”

We will see about that. It has come to the throne’s attention that you have made a momentous discovery of Prime technology.”

Indeed, your Highness.”

A small furrow appeared on the Fourth Scion’s brow and he asked, “And yet, you have not brought this treasure back to our homeland nor sent any details back to your superiors. Why is that?”

She toyed with asking why they sent Baron-Brigadier Wrenwood and his gang of murderers to bring her back in chains but quashed the impulse. Instead, she said, “As your Highness surely knows, natural philosophy is a slow process, and cannot be rushed. I would never present incomplete findings to the Throne.”

Your attitude would be laudable were you only a natural philosopher, but you are also an officer in the Imperial Fleet and it is compulsory for you to report your actions to the Admiralty.”

Smarter than he looks, she thought.

Justly said, your highness. And I did report this to Duchess-Admiral Corbyn.”

Your mother.”

I have the privilege of being her daughter.”

Why did she not report this?”

I cannot speak as to the Duchess-Admiral’s thoughts or actions,” she replied without hesitation.

You have a reputation for a quick mind, Thane-Captain, I can see it is well earned.”

You flatter me, your highness.”

Ignoring that, he said, “There is also the matter of you declaring war on several city-states.”

An advisor handed him some papers.

According to reports, there have been attacks on outposts of the Jarlands, the Hexagonal Prefecture, the New Republic of Utajiri, and the Free Provinces.”

Small incursions, your Highness.”

Why? We are, or were, in a stretch of peace. Why in the Sky would you start a war on four fronts?”

I did not start a war. We did not occupy any non-Bastion lands. We merely acquired some necessary components. It was not our intention to injure anyone. Had they been more cooperative, it would been better for them.”

I have little appetite for semantics, Thane-Captain. The fact remains that you are responsible for the deaths of foreign nationals on their own soil! What could possibly justify such reckless violence?”

With His Highness’s permission, I will happily demonstrate.”

If I might suggest-” began one of the councilors.

Show me what all of this was about,” interrupted the Fourth Scion.

Corbyn removed a small silver and blue device from her sleeve and tapped it. A moment later, with a great whoosh of air, Primus landed in between her and the Fourth Scion. To their credit, the Talon Guard swiftly aimed their pneumatic rifles at the Mechano-Man, and more than a few at Corbyn herself.

Primus knelt and bowed to the Fourth Scion, saying, “It is my honor to meet you, Your Highness. My designation is Primus.”

Stand down!” the prince shouted.

The Talon Guard followed his orders but Corbyn could still feel their tension.

Please, stand up,” said the Fourth Scion, who stood up and walked forward.

Primus stood, and as with everything they did, it was with a singular grace.

Remarkable! What can it do?”

Your Highness, Primus can answer that themselves.”

You are self-aware?”

As I understand that word, yes.”

Reaching out, he asked, “May I?”

If you wish. I have noticed that physical touch is an important part of biologics accepting new data.”

Running his hand over Primus’s outer casing, the Fourth Scion’s eyes went wide.

What are you made of?”

A steel alloy fused with an adjustable ceramic lattice.”

What does that mean?”

If I might simplify my response, it is stronger, lighter, and more versatile than any metal your civilization can currently manufacture.”

How… How powerful are you?”

That is a very broad question. Based on our surroundings and prevalent mode of dress, may I postulate that you are inquiring about my military prowess?”

That’s… Yes.”

Primus turned to Corbyn who nodded.

My offensive capabilities are greater than every city-state combined. Thane-Captain, should I provide a demonstration?”

Not at the moment, Primus.”

As you wish.”

The Fourth Scion took a few steps back, looked up at Primus, and a joyous smile dominated his face. Corbyn thought it made him legitimately attractive.

Read the scroll!” he ordered his advisors and councilors.

Which scroll, your Highness?” asked one of them who was now frantically rifling through an armful of them.

The good one!”

Of course, your highness!”

Pulling out a purple and gold scroll, the advisor cleared his throat and began to read.

In honor of the devoted service of House Corbyn to the Bastion, Imperator, Maxima Falcis Castile the Seventh, announces the wedding of Thane-Captain Marah Bellona of House Corbyn to Fourth Scion, Ashford Aurelius Castile.”

The Talon Guard all cried “Huzzah!”

Turning to Corbyn with a warm look, he asked, “What do say to that?”

Thank you, but no,” she said.

All jubilant sounds died with that utterance.

Pardon?” asked the Fourth Scion.

A very generous offer but I cannot accept. I’ve got too many things to do.”

Looking at her with a befuddled look he said, “But you were supposed to say yes.”

I’d make you a terrible wife and it would end very badly. So consider this a kindness.”

As the concept of being denied seeped into his mind, his face turned red, a mixture of rage and embarrassment.

Seize her and the Mechano-Man!”

The Talon Guard ran forward but Corbyn was prepared. She said, “Primus, second choice.”


She leapt on Primus’s back and they soared into the sky. It took less than a minute for the automata to destroy every artillery placement on the assembled three fleets. The Talon Guard shot at them but they anticipated such tactics and turned to protect Corbyn. Even so, bullets couldn’t even scratch his armor. Everyone on the platform stared in horror. Corbyn saw, to her pleasure, smoke arising for each airship but all were still airborne. Once done, they flew back to the Imperial platform.

As you can see your Highness, your fleets are disarmed but your engines are untouched and no lives were lost. Return to the Imperator and let her know that I have important work to do and I will not be a bartered bride. And should that message not be understood, please remind her of the fate of the Brigadier’s Blades. I and my people are to be left alone so we can complete our work. Is that clear?”

The Fourth Scion stared up at them and them and asked, ”So it’s rebellion then?”

She sighed.

If I had the urge to put myself on the throne, I would have already done that.”

What are your plans?”

You wouldn’t believe me if I told you. I have work to do. Now it’s time to run along.”

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The Trick Is-Part Forty

Excerpted From Winfall’s Grand History.

The Abyss.

Where to begin? Let’s start with the parts that are untrue.

It is a realm of demons and monsters who will venture out in the dark of night to wreak havoc on the good people of the Sundered World. They lurk in the shadows and attack the unwary as they stagger home drunkenly. Others kidnap wicked children to be cooked and eaten in the depths of the Abyss. 

There is one variety, called “Chompers,” who will bite the feet off of children who fail to do their chores. (What is wrong with parents who think this is a suitable tale for their offspring?)

Of course, Aeronauts have their own stories, the souls of those who are lost in storms are trapped in the Abyss to be tormented for all time. Sirens who lure them to the depths with their enchanted songs.

I could record an entire volume comprised of these sorts of tales, each more fantastical than the last but to what end? More would surface and addendums would be needed and so on. More importantly, they are all stuff and nonsense. I know I mentioned that before but it bears repeating.

Here is what is actually known.

Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Fine, we do know that there is a roiling area of fog and or clouds at the center of the Sundered World. What lies beneath remains a mystery.

If you are unlucky enough to fall (or be pushed) off the edge of a landmass or an airship, you will plunge into the Abyss and you will assuredly, never be seen again. While we shall put no stock in wild, absurd stories, the thought of plummeting with zero hope of rescue is ghastly. It would be better to die of fright before you hit bottom if there is indeed one. The prospect of plummeting forever is worse. But there must be a center.

It can also be stated with absolute certainty that no expedition has even returned from the Abyss.

The last such attempt was by the Jarlands explorer, Gunner Strunnson. He and a crew of one dozen brave Aeronauts set forth to finally reveal the mysteries of the Abyss. While they did not return, a distress balloon was later found floating in the open skies with this message attached, scrawled on a partially burnt scrap of paper;


This of course only fueled more outlandish speculation. However, it has had the benefit, as of this writing, of discouraging further exploration of the Abyss.

Knowledge is important. Without curiosity, we would all be scraping by, merely surviving. However, the cost of some information is perhaps, too high. 

Kim, Jae, and Morbus frantically packed their gear as Fortunato stood watching.

We can leave now, but do not biologics require rest for optimal operation?” inquired the automata.

We can sleep when we’re dead!” said Jae.

Do the deceased require rest? My understanding was that would become moot at that point. Also, do you require medical attention?”

It’s a figure of speech,” said Kim, “It means we don’t have time to sleep.”

Noted and filed. It seems a grim metaphor.”

That’s about right,” said Kim.

Can you fly safely if we fall asleep?” asked Morbus.

Yes, though my flying patterns may make slumber challenging.”

What’s life without a challenge?” asked the Professor.

Peaceful, I would imagine,” replied Fortunato.

We need to get there ahead of the Thane-Captain,” said Jae.

As I indicated, Unit 797 could arrive in three days, provided it flew at its maximum velocity if they did not stop and encountered no other interference. We are within a margin of success.”

Once everyone was packed and they climbed into their harnesses, Fortunato explained, “We are approximately thirteen hours away from the location in line with the Pivot.”

What do you mean, in line?” asked Morbus.

As we have gotten closer to our destination, I have determined that it is not at the same altitude as we are currently.”

You mean it’s higher up?” asked Jae.

Maybe that’s why no one’s found it before,” said Kim.

Apologies, I was less accurate than intended. The Pivot is below our elevation.”

How far below?” asked Kim.

Eleven point right kilometers lower. Approximately.”

It’s in the Abyss!” shouted Kim.

Yes, from what I understand of that reference.”

Kim’s breathing became ragged as he shakily unlocked his harness and fell to the ground.

Sky!” said Jae as she undid her harness and leapt down next to her brother.

What’s happening?” asked Morbus.

Kim appears to be in distress. I do not know the nature of it, my knowledge of biologic mental states is far from complete.”

Kim?” called Morbus as he climbed down, “Are you all right?”

Closing his eyes tightly, Kim’s breaths became less frantic as Jae stroked his back.

Just don’t crowd him, okay?” asked Jae.

Fortunato, let’s give them some space, shall we?”

As you suggest, Professor.”

The two of them walked far away enough to give the siblings some privacy.

Why does the Abyss evoke such a strong fear response in humans?” asked Fortunato.

I mean, it’s terrifying.”

As far as I can detect, it is simply another location.”

That’s like saying the sky is a bit big.”

Can you explain the nature of its terror?”

Morbus thought about all the gruesome stories he had heard over his lifetime and perhaps the even more blood-chilling lack of any real information about the Abyss.

I think because it is unknown,” he said.

Why do biologics fear the unknown?”

Not sure I’m qualified to answer that.”

Would Kim or Jae be better suited to inform me?”

No! Well, not at the moment I think.”

They stood there for a moment, then Fortunato said, “I was unknown.”


Previous to my reactivation, I was unknown. Will I be feared?”

Morbus stared at them. 

Kim and Jae don’t, nor do I.”

You are but a minute subset of the population of biologics.”

That’s true.”

I do not wish to be a source of dread.”

No one does. Of course, there are exceptions.”

Like the Thane-Captain.”

Yes, I believe she would fall into that category. But you are nothing like her.”

This is a new sensation for me.”

What is?”

Doubt. I do not care for it. It is inefficient.”

Morbus began to laugh but quickly pushed it down.

I’m sorry, I don’t mean to make light of your existential crisis.”

Biologics use humor when they are confronted with uncomfortable topics. Apologies for making this moment socially awkward.”

You didn’t. It’s just that all humans doubt. Constantly. Did I say the right thing? Am I dressed appropriately? Should I have chosen a different profession? Did I smile too much or not enough? Why did I eat three scones for breakfast? It’s endless!” 

How do biologics accomplish even a single task with all of those debilitating thoughts?”

It’s not always easy and sometimes we can’t overcome them. However, we just usually push on and try our best.”

Is Kim suffering from doubt?” asked Fortunato.

I think it’s more about the Abyss.”

It seems as though he doubts my ability to keep all of us safe.”

No, I think it’s fear, not doubt. Fear’s not rational.”

I have many other questions on this subject.”

Don’t think we have enough time to fully delve into this. You may just have to trust what I’ve told you.”

Very well, you have proven to be worthy of trust.”

As have you,” he said as he patted the automata on the hand, “I wonder how Kim is doing?”

I will inquire,” said Fortunato as they quickly strode back to the siblings.

Kneeling in front of Kim and Jae, they asked, “Are you recovered?”

Taking a deep breath, Kim replied, “Doing better.”

That is good. Professor Morbus and I have been discussing the nature of fear and doubt and have come to the conclusion that there is more to explore than time and circumstance will allow.”

Right…” said Jae.

It appears that you have a fear associated with the Abyss, even though there is little if anything known about it.”

Kim’s eyes went wide at the utterance of ‘Abyss.”

Careful,” warned Jae.

May I ask, do remember my oath to protect you both?”

Yes,” said Kim and Jae. 

Can you put any doubt and fear aside, and trust me to keep you safe?”

The siblings looked at each other and nodded.

I understand that where we must go is unexplored, but it is also where the Pivot is located. If there is any real danger, we will retreat immediately. Unless you wish to remain behind?”

We need to stick together,” he said, “I’ll go.”

Oh thank the Sky!” said Morbus who had just arrived.

If you have any biological imperatives, please process them before we leave,” advised Fortunato.

With the tension broken, everyone did so. Jae and Morbus finished first and he pulled her aside.

I don’t wish to pry, but why is Kim so terrified by the Abyss? It’s not a place I’d have chosen to visit, but it seems almost personal for him?”

Her face got stern, then softened.

We lost our parents to the Abyss. I wasn’t there but Kim was,” she said in a whisper.

I’m so sor-”

He can’t know I told you. Understand?” 

Yes, of course.”

Are your functions completed?” asked Fortunato.

Kim rejoined them and then they all were ready. After strapping in, they shot into the sky. The journey was long and uncomfortable. Fortunato flew at his maximum velocity, which made things especially cold, even with him heating his exterior for comfort. Eventually, they all fell asleep, though none of them would say it was their most restful slumber.

The humans awoke as they landed on an extremely small island, just large enough for the four of them. After a quick break for food and other essentials, they strapped in again.

Is everyone ready?” asked Fortunato.

They all said yes.

Very well,” Fortunato said as they stepped off the edge and plunged straight into the Abyss.

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The Trick Is-Part Thirty-Nine

We can’t thank you all enough for all you’ve done for us,” said Morbus as he packed up his things.

That’s what everybody’s been saying,” replied Booth.

He looked up at her and saw her smirking at him.

I should know when you’re taking the stuffing out of me by now.”

You really should.”

And yet, you get me every time.”

You do make it so, so easy.”

That I do.”

Morbus strapped his satchel closed and said, “You’ve been especially kind to me.”

Except for all the teasing.”

This might seem odd, but I may have enjoyed that the most.”

It might be, but then again, I might enjoy odd.”

Good to hear.”

It is, isn’t it.”

Looking a her, Morbus had a wild impulse to stay and live the rest of his days with her on the back of this Leviathan. It would be a hard life, but there was at the very least, one powerful upside to staying.

Pardon me, Professor,” said Fortunato, who had knelt down to look into the tent Morbus and Booth were in, “I would urge alacrity, given our current circumstances.”

He’ll be right out,” said Booth.

Fortunato nodded, then left.

Given the size of the sky, and all the other variables, do you know the numerical statistics of us ever meeting in the first place?” asked Morbus.

No, I don’t. What are they?”

I haven’t a clue.”

They both laughed.

You got me this time,” she said.


He reached out and took her hand in his. She smiled and embraced him with all her strength. They held each other for far less time than either of them wanted.

You need to go,” she said quietly.

I don’t…,” he began, “You’re right.”

They emerged from the tent to see Kim and Jae attaching the repaired harness to Fortunato with the help of some villagers.

Hey, Professor! You ready to go?” asked Jae.

Yes, I think so.”

Thank you for the extra supplies,” said Kim, “and all your help!”

You’re very welcome!” responded Booth.

The whole village had turned out to see them off. Everyone was fascinated by Fortunato, and even just watching them move about seemed wondrous. In fact, the entire morning as he was completing tasks, people scurried behind him like a flock of ferret-ducks.

Where are you going?” asked one of the villagers.

I thought they had made that clear! We can’t know in case anyone comes looking for them!” said Charlm.

We must leave now,” said Fortunato.

I’m afraid we’ve already put you in too much danger,” said Morbus.

That is true,” Fortunato added, “However, once we have departed, it is extremely unlikely that you will be at risk, other than the high degree of peril you are all in from making your home on an unpredictable creature such as the Leviathan.”

Thank you?” asked Runth.

Just before strapping themselves into their harnesses, Booth came up to Morbus and put her hand on his shoulder.

I suppose, this is good-”

Don’t say it like that,” she murmured.

The rational part of him was about to point out again the fact that the fantastically astronomical chance that they would ever meet even once was nothing compared to the unimaginably low possibility that they would ever see each other again. Instead, he said this:

Until next time.”

Until next time.”

Kim and Jae got into their harnesses on Fortunato’s chest and Morbus on his back. The villagers all waved and wished them a safe journey.

Again, thanks for all your help!” said Kim.

You’re the best!” added Kim.

Morbus said nothing but waved back to the crowd.

Gratitude and farewell,” said Fortunato as he flew off into the clouds.

Everyone watched the takeoff but soon went back to their chores and tasks. Booth, however, was the last to leave.

As they soared through the clouds, Kim and Jae shared what had happened to each of them since they had been parted. Since Jae spent most of that time unconscious, Kim had the most to add but his sister had many questions.

They broke through the clouds and into the bright sky. It felt like forever since they had seen it. Below them, the wake of the Leviathan could be detected in the churning of the clouds, though that soon faded as their paths diverged.

We are now closer to our destination due to the movement of the Leviathan,” said Fortunato, “I suggest we travel till just before dusk, then stop for rest.”

Everyone agreed. The rest of the day’s journey was refreshingly uneventful. No airships were spotted, no more Leviathans (thank the Sky!), just clear blue above them. As the sun was beginning to set below the horizon of the churning fog that comprised the Abyss, Fortunato spotted an island ahead and they landed there for the night.

After making camp and eating dinner, Jae asked, “What’s going on Fortunato? You said we were in danger.”

I said grave danger, but you are essentially correct.

Why wait to tell us?” asked Kim.

Given the nature of what has occurred, I surmised that there would be many questions and it seemed optimal to allow time to answer such queries.”

Fine! Can you please tell us what’s what?” asked Jae.

Another Servator, such as myself, has been activated at the location where we met.”

There were more of you there?”

How many?”

Why didn’t you tell us about them?”

How come they didn’t wake up when you did?”

I will address each of your questions in order. There were other units at that station. Two. You did not inquire about additional units. Only one unit was necessary for aid so the other remained dormant. Are there any other subjects you need illuminated?”

What of the nature of the peril?” asked Morbus.

Kim and Jae looked back at the Professor, who had been oddly silent since they left.

Sorry, I kinda forgot you were here,” said Kim.

I’ve been lost in thought, but we need focus now. Fortunato, if you could clarify what the danger is, we can act from there.”

Here are the issues a hand. As I told you all, much as I can sense Prime sites, I know that Unit 797 was activated, and their location, and they can do the same with me.”

They can see and hear us!” shouted Jae.

No, neither of us can access each other’s sensory inputs or knowledge without permission.”

So you don’t know who woke up your counterpart?” asked Morbus.

Correct, though it must have been someone with an authority bracer.”

Who else has one of these?” asked Jae, who held up her own.

At least one.”

Where did they get one?” asked Kim.

They can be generated at seven thousand, nine hundred and thirty-seven sites currently, but with the exception of the station where I was activated, the rest are dormant.”

That’s a relief,” said Morbus.

However, I have detected nine previously inactive locations that are now fully operational.”

Who could do that?”

Any Servitor, if directed to.”

But who’s directing them?”

They all fell silent as the answer came to them.

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The Trick Is-Part Thirty-Eight

Auntie Joon entered the back of her shop, closed the door behind her, and locked it. Standing there for a moment, she closed her eyes as she did some calming breaths. Things in the Dangling Market were tense. Rumors were flying like tiger-thrushes, swift and unpredictable.

The most prevalent gossip was that war was coming. This caused a mix of hoarding, fluctuating prices, and desperate deals. Some people said that all the other major city-states had united to take on the Bastion. Others were convinced that the Bastion was in a civil war. There was even talk that they had some new secret weapon that made them unstoppable. That was the one that worried her the most.

Gerta!” she called out, “Can you please make me some tea?”

Gerta stepped into the back room holding a burgundy envelope, affixed with a brass-colored wax seal.

This was delivered when you were out,” said the assistant, handing it to her.

Auntie Joon cracked the seal, read the contents, and promptly burned them.

I’m afraid I will likely be out for the rest of the day,” said Auntie Joon.

Should I close the shop?”

No. I trust you know how to handle things.”

Of course. If any of the preferred customers should ask for your expertise?”

Tell them I’ll contact them when I get new items in stock.”


With a nod, Gerta returned to the front of the store, leaving Auntie Joon alone. Taking out a worn Leapers outfit, complete with crampon shoes, she quickly changed, donned a large hood, and set out.

Moving through the back alleys and across the gaps of the Dangling Market, Auntie Joon made her way to her destination. It was not a direct path, she double- and triple-backed her route until she found herself in the food market.

It was one of the largest structures in the Dangling Market, filled with merchants, cooks, and airship pursers, each trying to get what they needed. Bustling was the most accurate description of business here but now there was an undercurrent of panic. As worrying as that was, it made it easier for Joon to slip through the crowds unnoticed.

Reaching the stand that sold a large variety of pickled foods including fish, mutton, and peppers, to name but a few, Joon caught the eye of the man behind the counter and with a subtle nod, he directed her to the barrels full of his brined wares. Slipping in between, she tapped a rat-a-tat-tat on one of the barrels, and a moment later, the top dropped out and she climbed in.

Climbing down the narrow passage, Joon emerged into a chamber where Camila and another Guild Master sat around a small table.

Have a seat, Joon,” said Camila.

She did so and a cup of tea was poured for her.

So, what’s happened?” asked Joon.

The item your niece and nephew found is now in possession of the Bastion,” said Gordu, the other Guild Master.

We don’t know that for sure,” said Camila.

How many Mechano-Men do you think are running about?” asked Gordu.

Do you know?” snapped Camila.

What about Kim and Jae?” Joon asked.

The two others looked at each other before speaking.

We’ve heard they were involved with that incident in the Hexagonal Prefecture,” said Camila.

And there were some accounts of a figure flying off after that,” said Gordu looking over his note, “But nothing after that.”

I see.”

The fact is,” said Camila, “we don’t know where they are.”

Have they contacted you?” asked Gordu.

Taking a sip of tea, Joon said, “No. I told them to disappear and they have.”

I really wish you had come to us sooner with this,” said Gordu.

And what would you have done? Is there a Mechano-Man sanctuary where they could’ve whiled away the hours?” asked Camila.

Please try to be helpful!” said Gordu.

When did the Bastion get Fortunato?” asked Joon.

Who? That’s right, they named it. Apparently, sometime after the last report, the Bastion started making raids on minor outposts of other city-states.”

How long has that been going on?” asked Joon.

Unclear. They don’t leave any witnesses.”

What are they looking for?” asked Joon.

At first, it felt like raw aggression. But we’ve heard that they massacred almost everyone at a small Utajiri port looking for Prime artifacts.”

This is all horrifying, but why did you summon me here?”

We think it’s time to leap forward,” said Camila.

Joon said nothing at first. The idea of leaving everything behind felt wrong. She promised to look after Kim and Jae, and she couldn’t even do that. Leaping forward seemed like running away.

Camila lay a hand on hers and said, “I wish there was another way.”

Pushing down all her regret, grief, and anger she said, “There isn’t. It’s too dangerous to stay. I’ll get my bolt bag and I’ll leave on the next airship out.”

I’ll send someone to pick it up for you,” said Gordu, “You have a code phrase for your assistant?”

She told him the phrase and response.

Right, I’m going to get someone to get that for you. They should be back in an hour or so.”

Gordu stood up and was about to leave when he stopped and said, “I’m sorry about Kim and Jae. They were good Leapers.”

Thank you.”

With that, he left.

Well, if I’m going to leap forward, I better change things up,” said Joon.

Camila produced a packet with scissors, a comb, and a hair dye kit. After about an hour, Joon’s long hair was cut short and was now grey.

I look ordinary,” said Joon as she looked in a hand mirror, “Thank you.”

When you get to where you’re going, avoid Guildhalls. More and more, Leapers are being rounded up. Keep your head down.”

Of course. I’ll look for the hidden signs.”

Gordu’s runner should be back any moment,” said Camila, as she looked at her watch.

Good, I need to get out of Dangling Market as soon as I can.”

Watch out for any Peace-Keepers, they are likely to come looking for you.”

Not just them. Every city-state would do anything to get their hands on a working Mechano-Man. At least three of them think I might lead them to it.”


I should gone with them. Maybe they’d still be…”

You don’t know they’re not safe.”

I don’t know anything.”

You won’t be able to leap with all that baggage,” said Camila.

I’d argue with you but I won’t win.”

Nope,” said Camila with a grin.

Thank you.”

I’d say it’s nothing but I’m no liar.”



The runner ought to be here by now.”

Things are crazy these days, but a Leaper shouldn’t let that slow them down. Let me take a look.”

Camila uncovered the obscura-scope and gazed into it.

Very strange.”



Joon peered into it and saw an empty food market. A few people rushed past the entrance but the hustle and bustle that was there just an hour past had vanished.

Here’s all the coin I have on me,” said Camila as she handed Joon a sack of money, “And some extra gear. You need to go. Now.”

Joon slipped the gifts into her pockets and they both climbed upwards. The silence of the large room gave them chills. As they exited out on the loading docks in the rear, in the distance, black smoke rose.

My shop,” said Joon with a grim face.

Camila swore.

Look after Gerta, she’s a hard worker and sharp as a cutlass. I should’ve told her that.”


I’d say tell her for me but I’m not sure she’d believe you.”

I’ll figure something out.”

I should go.”

We’ll see each other again when this is all over.”

Of course.”

With that, the two friends separated. Joon made her way to Zip Ferry so she could get to the Isle of Open Arms and hop the next airship out. As she traveled, she could see the fire had spread and lots of people were there to help put it out. Flame spreads easily, so it’s everyone’s problem.

Pushing down rage and bitterness, Joon arrived just in time to jump on the zip ferry and get across. Room on outgoing airships was scarce and prices were higher than she had ever seen. Then there were an unusually large number of Peace-Keepers mixed into the crowds, making things more complicated. Finally, she had a bit of luck when she was able to find a berth on a small airship with the caveat that she would have to work as a deckhand. She’d put up with worse but at least she was out of the fire for now.

As she began her first shift, securing and cleaning portholes in the outer passages, she heard a familiar voice.

Joon, what a coincidence! I’ve been looking high and low for you,” said Heimgar, agent of the Jarlands.

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The Trick Is-Part Thirty-Seven

Morbus burst into where Kim and Jae were sleeping and shook the siblings awake.

Kim, Jae! Wake up!” he nearly shouted.

What’s going on?” asked Verna groggily.

Terribly sorry but I’m afraid this can’t wait.”

I think it’s good news,” said Booth who had followed him.

Professor, what’s going on?” asked a newly awakened Kim.

Whaaaat!” moaned Jae who rubbed her eyes.

They’re not dead! Fortunato is still alive!”

Jae slapped Morbus across the face.

Jae!” shouted Kim.

What? Why?” sputtered the professor.

Jae rubbed her now sore hand and said, “Sorry! I just wanted to see if this was a dream.”

Customarily, one pinches one’s self,” said Morbus.

Fortunato’s alive?” asked Kim.

Yes! Well, I believe so.”

You believe so?” asked Jae.

Could you have this conversation in the morning?” asked Charlm.

Or maybe go outside?” suggested Verna.

They did so, leaving the couple to sleep.

What makes you think they’re still alive?” asked Jae.

Well, it all started when I couldn’t sleep,” began Morbus.

Maybe jump ahead to the part where you figured things out,” said Booth.

Right! Of course. Booth here asked me if Fortunato was indeed dead, how could we pick up their signal?”

Then why are they not moving?” asked Jae.

I’m not sure. They can repair themselves, can they not?”

Small stuff,” said Kim.

When they were seriously hurt, we needed to go to the Repair Place,” said Jae.

Yes, you told me about that. Sadly not an option. It could be that they are in a coma-like state. Slowly repairing themselves.”

What can we do?” asked Jae.

At this moment, nothing,” replied Morbus, “But in the morning, I suggest we set out and take stock of what’s what.”

Let’s go now,” said Jae.

Jae,” said Kim.

Why wait? If they’re hurt, we need to do something!”

You need to rest, we can set out in the morning,” said Kim.

I was out for three days and nights, I’m sick of resting!”

I’m exhausted, both me and professor. We marched for days before we found you. Both of us need a good night’s rest,” Kim said quietly to Jae.

Jae paused, then whispered to her brother, “I left them all alone in the dark. When they needed me to be there.”

Fortunato wanted us to be safe.”

What about him?”

Kim pulled her aside and said quietly, “Morbus is an old man and he’s tired and hurt. If he works in the dark, he might make a mistake.”

Jae looked over at the professor.

He does look worn out. How old is he?”

Dunno, forty?”

At least. Okay, we’ll leave in the morning.”

In the morning everyone got up and gathered what they thought they would need to revive a Mechano-Man. Morbus had stayed up for a while reading over some of his notes in preparation and as a result, kept yawning but hand-waved any concerns people had.

The rescue party consisted of Kim, Jae, Morbus, Booth, and two strapping villagers, named Kanz and Fanchez. They made good time through the woods and by mid-morning made their way to Fortunato’s still-inert body.

Morbus, with Jae hovering over his shoulder, began by examining them, looking for cracks or dents, signs of obvious external damage. With the help of Kanz and Fanchez, some Leviathan leather rope, and leverage, they were able to turn Fortunato on their side.

Well, the good news is there are no external signs of harm. Which means that any damage must be internal,” said Morbus.

We need to open them up,” said Jae as she rolled up her sleeves.

It’s not that simple, there are no screws or latches of any other kind of fasteners that I can see. I wouldn’t even know where to begin!” said Morbus.

Jae grabbed the edge of Fortunato’s breastplate and began to pull with no success. She tried to pry open other parts of them but the only thing she got was sore muscles.

Kim, when Fortunato was repaired did you see how it was done?” asked Morbus.

No, I was knocked out then.”


They didn’t let me see it.”

That’s a shame.”

All the enthusiasm they had when they set out seemed to drain away in the face of a lack of any options.

Crystals!” said Kim as he jumped up.

What?” responded Morbus, looking around wildly.

When Jae and I first met Fortunato, he fixed a Prime machine by repairing a bad crystal.”

Yes!” agreed Jae, “And the Gardener’s crystal was so damaged badly it needed to be replaced!”

If only we had a Prime crystal,” said Morbus.

The rest just stared at him. It took a moment, but then it sunk in. Morbus opened up his device and stared at the glowing purple crystal.

This was my masterpiece. My crowning achievement,” he said sadly.

Jae was about to say something but Booth laid a hand on his shoulder and said, “If it can bring back your friend, I’d call that your real masterpiece.”

Morbus took a deep breath and said, “I suppose being a natural philosopher who revived a Mechano-Man is a unique achievement.”

The first one too!” added Kim.

A thoughtful expression with a hint of a smile crossed the professor’s face.

Very well, where does this go then?”

They had little wires that came out of their fingers,” recalled Kim.

Morbus set down his device, removed the glass dome, and carefully detached the crystal. He handed it to Kim, who placed it in Fortunato’s open palm. A moment later, very fine, metal tendrils emerged from their fingers and slowly unraveled the gem until there was nothing left.

With an alarming lurch, Fortunato tipped onto his back once more. Everyone stared at them, waiting for him to sit up or speak, but the automata was still again.

Tears welled up in Jae’s eyes and she grabbed Kim as this last scrap of hope was shredded. Booth took Morbus’s hand and even Kanz and Fanchez looked dejected. It all felt as though it was for nothing.

What’s that?” asked Kim.

On the upper part of Fortunato’s breastplate, just below the helmet, a faint, glowing image appeared. It was a symbol that looked like a stylized lightning bolt.

It might be a message of some sort,” murmured Morbus.

That they were stuck by lightning,” said Booth.

No. Maybe? I’m not sure,” replied Morbus.

NO!” shouted Jae.

The rest turned to look at her.

Remember when we found them? That room was powered by that lightning generator!”

Yes! Maybe they need lightning to start up again.”

I would think they had more than enough lighting for a lifetime,” said Morbus.

Maybe he just needs a spark?” Jae asked Kim.

Like an ember starts a fire!”

Just then, in the distance, a crack of lightning could be heard.

We’ll need a length of wire and something to act as a lightning rod,” said Morbus, “And some more people to move him closer to those spikes.”

Franchez, head back to the village and get what the professor needs and get as many people as are willing to come back with you to help,” said Booth.

Right!” said Franchez as he ran back.

Thank you!” said Jae.

So much!” said Kim.

Booth noticed that this was the first time she saw a smile on Jae’s face since meeting her.

This is inordinately kind of you,” said Morbus.

You needed help, no point in not lending a hand,” she said squeezing his hand as she let go.

Yes, well… Very kind,” he stammered.

But when we get them back on their feet, you owe me a ride into the sky,” she said with a wink.

Yes of course!”

They prepared to move Fortunato, attaching the rope to him and clearing the area of debris, and soon after that was done, the other villagers returned. It was hard work, Fortunato was quite heavy, but they all pitched in and by late afternoon they had him clear of the forest. Moving him over open terrain was easier and they soon arrived at a pair of the spiky towers.

With Morbus’s direction, they set up the improvised lighting rod on the nearest of the two towers and attached the wire around Fortunato’s body.

Moving about fifty meters away everyone flattened themselves against the Leviathan’s hide to avoid attracting lightning, and then they waited. It was not long before lighting began to arc along the spiky towers and the sharp scent of electricity filled their nostrils.

CRACK! A bright, white light burst and an explosion of spots danced in their eyes. As sight returned, the large figure of Fortunato stirred, ripped the wires attached to them, and gracefully stood up. The villagers all gasped, and anyone might in seeing such a sight.

Jae leaped to her feet and ran to embrace them, headless of the lightning above them.

You’re back!”

Kim, who was right behind his sister also hugged his friend.

It is pleasing to see you both but we are currently in grave danger,” said Fortunato.

Ahh yes, the lighting,” said Morbus.

No professor. Something far, far more dangerous.”

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The Trick Is-Part Thirty-Six

Excerpted From Winfall’s Grand History.

Prime artifacts are extraordinarily scarce and sought out by treasure hunters, Leapers, and academics alike. However, most sites have been picked clean in this day and age, multiplying the value of such items by a factor of absurdity.

However, Prime ruins are much more common than most people might think. Every major city-state has multiple Prime structures. All have been studied by natural philosophers and some have even been converted for everyday use. There is a large, one-story, roofless building in the Jarlands which has currently been repurposed as the famous Long Sommer Beer Garden. This might seem like a waste (and scandalous to Prime scholars) but, it has been thoroughly examined and documented, and in the defense of the Jarlands, it is a very good beer garden. If you have the opportunity to visit, try the Golden Apple Wheat Beer, it’s quite refreshing.

This is to say, while the Prime remains the great mystery of our age, they are more present than is generally thought of. Even small islands are likely to have some touch of the Prime on them, even if is merely an old wall or some other stone work. Such vestiges of this long-gone civilization are all around us and of little value to anybody other than the odd academic.

The airship Swift Wind, flying the Gold and Green banner of the New Republic of Utajiri, approached the island of Papptat.

Any response?” asked the Commander.

None Commander,” replied the aether-radio officer.

Looking through her telescope, she saw smoke hanging over the small island, and no activity at the docks. Papptat was primarily a minor trading port for New Republic airships and licensed merchants. Located well within their airspace, the risk of a pirate attack was extremely unlikely. It was a low-value target. Yet, they sent out a distress signal three days ago, and then silence.

Prepare for docking and have our Guardians ready to deploy,” ordered the Commander.

Aye Commander!” shouted her bridge crew.

Landing at the docks, two squads of Utajiri Guardians deployed and took defensive positions amongst the cargo. The Lead Guardian sent two scouts ahead for reconnaissance. After a short but intense period, they gave the all-clear signal.

Safe to exit Commander!” said the Lead Guardian.

Descending the gangplank, the Commander said, “What’s going on, Lead?”

No hostiles, Commander.”

The scouts returned and gave the Commander a closed-fist salute.


No signs of hostiles Commander,” said the first one.

But the aether-radio station was destroyed,” said the second.


The two scouts looked at each other.

It’s a yes or no question!” shouted Lead.

It’s hard to explain, Commander,” said the first scout.

Seeing it might be better,” said the second.

Well then,” said the Commander, “Let’s take a look.”

With all due respect,” said Lead, “I would feel better if you would allow us to reconnoiter the area fully, to assure the Commander’s safety.”

She smiled and said, “Appreciated Lead but I trust you and the Guardians to keep me safe.”

As you wish. Guardians! Full Phalanx!” ordered Head and the rest rapidly assembled into a protective pattern around the Commander.

The aether-radio station was just outside the port and atop a hill for a clear signal. Normally there was a metal tower on the roof but instead, it rested on the ground to the side of the station. Examining it, the Commander could see that its edges had been snapped and twisted.

What could do this?” she thought, then asked the scouts, “Any signs of heavy machinery?”

That was our first thought too Commander,” said the first.

But the only thing we could see was that,” said the second, pointing.

In the dirt, was a set of large, deep footprints. She knelt next to them and touched the soil. It was compressed as if a heavy weight had been placed there. Gazing around, she could see that whatever made these prints had a long stride and had continued into the island’s interior.

That’s not all Commander,” said the first pointing at the aether-radio station.

Entering the station, the scent of scorched metal and stone filled her nose. The aether-radio machinery was cut in half. No, that wasn’t quite right. It had been melted in half as if an enormous welder’s torch had been cut through it. Looking up, the Commander saw the hole just above the bisected machinery, blackened at the melted edges. It was a warm day but she found herself shivering. Taking a deep breath, she turned about and exited.

Lead, let’s follow those tracks. Everyone, eyes open!” she ordered.

You heard the Commander! Form up and on the double!” shouted Lead.

They took off, following the giant prints. Showing no outward fear, the Commander kept her hand on her pneumatic pistol, though she wondered if it would be of any help to whatever destroyed the aether-radio station. After a half-hour march, they arrived in a large field of high grass, which was the source of the smoke she had seen before.

Squad One, on me!” said Lead, “Squad Two, close ranks on the Commander!”

As Squad One sprinted forward, the rest of them crouched in the high grass and waited. Everyone here was a professional, trained to defend their city-state and to deal with things so ordinary citizens didn’t have to. So when a shocked cry was heard from up ahead, the Commander leapt to her feet and shouted, “FOLLOW ME!”

Leading the charge, she and the rest of the Guardians arrived at where the sound came from. Lead was standing before a smoking, blackened mound.

Lead, what in the sky…” she began as she looked at the pile.

They were just ordinary people. Not Guardians,” he said quietly.

Over her career, the Commander had seen death, more times than she wanted to. Abyss, she had killed in battle but this was different. Who could do this? Why would anyone do this?


He said nothing but continued to stare at the results of this massacre.

Lead! Look at me!”

As if waking up, he shook his head, turned to her, and stood at attention.


We need to bury these people. Take the Second squad and start that. Send Squad One to look for any survivors.”

Understood! You heard the Commander! Hop to it! We’ve got work to get done!”

She called over the scouts.

You read up on this place before we got here, correct?”

Yes Commander!” said One.

Of course Commander!” added Two.

Was there any sign of looting in the town?”

No Commander,” they replied.

This isn’t an exceedingly rich port, not much of a target for pirates,” she said, “Is there anything of interest here? Anything that might attract this sort of attention?”

No mineral or aether deposits,” said One.

Not strategically vital,” said Two.

The only thing of note is a Prime ruins site.”

According to records, it’s just an old floor, if there was more, it’s gone now.”

Can you take me to it?” she asked.

Yes, Commander!”

The scouts took her to the far edge of the clearing where the report listed the site.

With your leave Commander, one of us can go ahead,” said Two.

Just for your safety,” added One.

Your bravery is noted, but I think whatever did all this is no longer here. Let’s proceed.”

All three of them continued, though one scout walked ahead of her, the other behind.

It’s just up here,” said Two, who had taken the lead.

As they arrived, the floor they expected was gone. Instead, there was a heptagon-shaped hole in the earth. The grass around it was mashed down as if by a great weight. One and Two drew their pneumatic carbines and looked for trouble.

I’m going in,” she said, “You can accompany me if you want.”

They did so. There was a set of steps leading down. As they descended, glowing sliver patterns lit up on the walls and floor. This chamber was large, about ten meters deep and fifty meters across, clearly of Prime creation. More remarkable, it was completely empty. As they searched it, the Commander was struck by its beauty but with the horror she had just seen, it felt oddly surreal.

Whatever was in here is gone. Let’s head back to the Swift Wind, I need to report to this.”

Just as they emerged from the chamber, a shape leapt out from the tall grass at the Commander, knocking her off her feet. She felt a slash across her forehead. Responding with a solid push, she threw off her attacker. Wiping blood out of her eyes, she saw the scouts were about to fire at this figure when she saw who attacked her.

STOP!” she shouted.

While the scouts did not fire, they kept their carbine trained on the assailant.

It’s just a child!” she said as she stood up.

Dirty, her clothes ragged, and with a bullet graze to the side of her head, the girl pushed herself up and gave all three grownups a look telling them this fight was far from over.

Child,” said the Commander, “We are not your enemies. Let us help you.”

The girl paused, took in their uniforms, nodded, and then collapsed to the ground.

Radio the Swift Wind, we need a medic here. NOW!” ordered the Commander who took off her tunic and rolled it up, and put it under the girl’s head.

Who is she?” asked One.

I think she’s the only one who knows what happened,” replied the Commander.

Medic inbound Commander,” said Two.

Thank you.”

The girl groaned softly and dropped something shiny from the hand that didn’t hold the rock. Picking it up, the Commander examined it closely.

What is it, Commander?”

Holding up a regimental button from a Peace-Keeper uniform, she replied, “Trouble.”

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